About Me

Hermit, photographer, no-pinning seamstress, crazy person, mama.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Calling out the Liars!

For a company that provides chemically laden products that not only cause severe rashes and burns (dry max), as well as damaging reproductive health, and using cancer causing products (dioxin), neurotoxins and the same chemicals (SAP) that were banned from tampons... I think Pampers needs a dictionary to learn the difference between FACT and MYTH. companies that use outright lies, should not receive our money!
Pampers, the producers of MYTH:

learn some FACT:

Companies that lie *cough* Pampers *cough* Monsanto, will not be receiving my dollars!

edited to add: http://gomestic.com/family/what-is-a-disposable-diaper-made-of-anyway/#comments

Saturday, May 15, 2010


We had 100% success in our butterflies emerging! All ten came out to greet us. Yesterday we released half of them. The other half will be released today or tomorrow, some of their wings are not quite finished, and that is why we are waiting.

It was bittersweet for me.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Yesterday, I transferred the crysallids to their new home! Now we wait.

Today, Mr A had an ultrasound on his kidneys to make sure there is still no damage. It was, of course, a very traumatising painless procedure - HAHA! However, the awesome technician calmed him down by allowing him to take an ultrasound of my wrist! Woot for magic!

Also, today, is my middle son's birthday! We went to the park so he could enjoy time outdoors, and later we will be easting yummy organic chocolate cake, and he will get to open his present! weee!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010